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Electric Vehicle Charging at Home

Charge Your Electric Vehicle at Home

Keep the Spark Alive

EV Charger Installed in Garage

Electric cars are environmentally friendly and are becoming much more accessible. But, in most cases, that's about all people know about these modern vehicles which will soon become commonplace. We've found the biggest obstacle for most electric vehicle owners is finding a qualified electrician to install a charger in their home.

Grace Mountain Electric will help you choose the ideal EV charger for your car and professionally install it according to code. Call today to schedule a complimentary consultation.

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What is an Electric Car?

As the name implies, an EV is an automobile that has a motor that uses electricity as its source of propulsion. Rechargeable batteries store the electrical energy. One of the main benefits of manufacturing vehicles powered by electricity is that they produce no tailpipe emissions.

Are Tailpipe Emissions Dangerous?

The Union of Concerned Scientists points out that vehicles powered by fossil fuels contribute to air pollution. The Union adds that vehicles emit over one-half the nitrogen oxides currently in the air we breathe. Scientists explain that every organ in an individual's body is affected by air pollution and that it is the primary source of global warming emissions. Some people believe what these scientists are saying; others do not. It is, however, forward-thinking to ensure this alternative manner of powering vehicles is available.

The Three Types of Electric Vehicles

The abbreviation EV describes three different types of electric motor vehicles.

Hybrid-Electrical Vehicle (HEV)

These cars have both a conventional fuel engine and the components for an electric drive. The primary energy source is fuel, and electrical energy kicks in as a secondary source by way of an alternator and regenerative braking.

Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)

These cars run only on electrical energy. High-capacity battery packs store the electricity. An electrical outlet or a customized electric vehicle charging station is necessary for these automobiles to charge.

Plug-In Hybrid-Electric Vehicle (PHEV)

Much like HEVs, PHEVs use both electricity and fuel to propel the car. But, in the case of PHEVs, the vehicle has voltage as its main energy source and a smaller internal combustion engine. These automobiles can also run by electrical energy alone.

What Equipment is Needed to Charge an HEV, BEV, or PHEV?

Before you decide to join the EV craze, there are things you should know about the charging process.

  • You will need a home charging plug.
  • You will want to check for plugs at your workplace.
  • Public EV charging stations sometimes necessitate acquiring a personal account.
  • Research the amount of time your chosen vehicle needs for fully charging.
  • Research the costs involved in charging your automobile.

Several aspects of charging devices differ between manufacturers and models of cars. These are the most widely-used charging types:

Level 1 Charging

The lowest level of charging, level 1 takes approximately 8 hours or more to charge 40 miles worth of electric fuel. This onboard charger uses a standard 120v outlet.

Level 2 Charging

Using Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), which is an intermediary between the power source and the automobile's charging port, level 2 charging provides power at 220v or 240v and up to 30 amps. That comes out to about 10 to 25 miles of range in an hour's worth of charging.

DC Fast Charging (DCQC)

These chargers are designed to charge EVs with an output of between 50 kW to 120 kW. Quick charge is a more modern way for EVs to load because of the shortened amount of time needed. In almost the time it takes to fill a conventional vehicle with gas, you can procure a significant range capability for your automobile.

Electric Vehicle Service Provider (EVSP)

This provider ensures connectivity across several charging stations through a central server. They manage the database, the software, and the communication interfaces that keep stations operating.

How Do I Charge my EV at Home?

Electric Vehicle Charging at Work

One of the top concerns for those who own an electric vehicle is having charging available where and when they need it. The existing charging model is:

  • Home Charging
  • Workplace Charging Infrastructure
  • Fast Charging for City Drivers

Currently, approximately 90 percent of EV owners charge their vehicle overnight at home. A real drawback is that not all homes have carports or garages. Many families live in multi-dwelling units. Some must park on the street in larger cities.

California is an example of a state that is attempting to think ahead where this issue is concerned. In 2017, California's Green Building Standards Code stated that 6 percent of parking in non-residential areas and 3 percent of multi-dwellings must offer the electrical capacity to install an EVSE. Newly-built single-living homes are also required to wire for EVSE.

Grace Mountain Electric Installs EV Chargers

As licensed Georgia electrical contractors, we know and keep up-to-date with the Georgia permit standards and inspection models. Whether you need residential or commercial work accomplished, our team is ready to begin your project and maintain the high values we have upheld since 2009.

Electric cars are becoming more popular in Georgia, and we know what you will need to keep your EV charged and ready to go. We do not recommend that EV owners install their charger port as a DIY project. The reasons for this disclaimer include:

  • Installing an EV charger can be complicated
  • All electrical installations require the insight of a licensed and insured electrical contractor
  • A better charging station, when installed by an electrician, will improve the time it takes to charge your EV. This port is the same type of outlet used for your clothes dryer (240v)
  • It is often necessary to conduct an electrical infrastructure checkup before installing a charging port to establish that your garage is ready for this type of addition.
  • The faster, level 2 charging outlet makes for more rapid charging of your EV, which is what most drivers prefer. But installation will likely require a wiring update.

Call (706) 400-8915 or send us an email if you decide to go electric with your vehicle. We look forward to assisting you.